Fartlek Information

What is a Fartlek, and what is Fartlek training?
Fartlek Definition:
Simply stated, Fartlek training is an off-track, continuous training run in which both speed and exertion are varied for segments of a continuous workout. The primary benefit of Fartlek training is the freedom and variability of the workout, making it adaptable to a wide variety of training needs regardless of what your objectives are for a particular set of workouts.
"Speed play" is the meaning of the Swedish "fartlek" term, and this form of training involves a variety of speeds. Fartlek training combines continuous aerobic workouts with speed running that is faster than a runner's race pace.
For serious runners who are looking to gain an edge in their training, far more should be understood about this method. Fartlek training is essentially a freely structured, continuous, interval training method commonly used by middle and long-distance runners over challenging natural terrain. The benefits of Fartlek training therefore depend upon how you decide to implement the training method and what variations you might use. For the sort of questions mentioned below, and others, consider navigating the website to explore more about how this training method might really help you.
- What is the fartlek method?
- How fast should a fartlek be?
- Is this for cross country runners?
- What about Fartlek training for other sports, like soccer?
Fartlek Advantages:
- For those seeking to get into running shape, Fartleks can be a very efficient way of building both speed and endurance.
- For those facing the mental drag of burnout, Fartleks can add great variety and even bring the joy of running back into training.
- For those dealing with less time to spend on long runs, Fartleks can greatly increase the efficiency of shorter training times.
- For those who prefer to share their runs with others, Fartleks can make running a very fun and enjoyable experience, or even competitive and grueling.
- For those running Fartleks under the direction of a coach, there can be tremendous psychological benefits in having to force yourself to run faster than race pace for periods of time that are undisclosed until they are over, while still maintaining a respectable speed during recovery segments.
In sum, fartlek training is an approach to training that often benefits runners mentally, physically, and psychologically. Fartlek training benefits all kinds of runners.

*To explain the physiological benefits of Fartlek training, it would be hard to outdo the explanations Peter Thompson gives describing his "New Interval Training." As he says, this training is an advance on traditional interval training, and is also an adaptation of Fartlek training. Anyone desiring to seriously utilize Fartlek training would do well to understand his arguments for N.I.T., as it will provide a thorough explanation of why Fartlek training works so well, and what an athlete should attempt to accomplish in Fartlek training.
Join the Fartlek club by adding it to your training, and consider encouraging others to do so by wearing a t-shirt that can't help but make you laugh!